Tipp City Foundation logo | Your Local Charity Focusing on Giving Back

give, receive,
say thanks

The Tipp City Foundation is a Local Charity whose Primary Purpose is “giving back” to the Community.

As a Local Charity, the Tipp City Foundation focuses on the core principles of “we give”, “we receive” and “we say thanks”.

Tipp City Foundation Gives back


Annually, we distribute grants to nonprofits for a broad array of charitable purposes in areas such as education, the environment, the arts, health, and social services.

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Tipp City Foundation Receives Contributions


The very heart of the Foundation’s work starts with you. Your gifts, your legacies, your endowments, your trust…YOU make this happen. The Foundation receives local charity gifts from many different sources, allowing us to build upon the mosaic that binds us together.

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Tipp City Foundation Thanking our sponsors


We couldn’t make an impact without our legacy donors, our contributors, our sponsors and people like you. We appreciate all that YOU do to help us make a difference and a lasting legacy for the Tipp City community.

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Welcome to the
Tipp City Foundation

As backdrops go, the Foundation couldn’t ask for a better hometown to thrive in and serve. Started on August 3, 1943 with
a $1,300 gift, the Tipp City Foundation benefits Tipp City,
Monroe Township and Bethel Township.

The Foundation is run by a Board of volunteers,
which meets quarterly.

Tipp City Foundation Board Members Group Photo 2024