We Receive
Scholarship Funds
Endowment Funds
Scholarship Funds…
These Scholarship Funds…invest in the futures of students. Criteria for awards were established by the donors when creating the endowments. Most scholars are from Tipp City, Monroe Township, and Bethel Township, though some are from the greater Miami Valley. Winners are determined by an independent body.
Ernest Clay Back Scholarship for History Fund – 2017 A love of history is honored through this fund, which provides scholarship assistance to Tipp High School graduates who intend to pursue history studies in college. Ernie and Mara Back were the owners of the Tippecanoe Frontier Trading Co., in historic downtown Tipp City. For 27 years, the store was a portal back to the early days of civilization. The store closed in 2007.
Lester & Cleon Bowers Family Scholarship Fund – 2010 This fund honors the Bowers family and their commitment to the Miami East community. Graduating Vikings, who demonstrate that they have put forth their best effort academically, while demonstrating a high degree of personal integrity and commitment to community service, are eligible for this award.
Marlene E. Chapman Memorial Scholarship Fund – 2022 Bunny Fraser Chapman graduated from Tippecanoe High School in 1949 before becoming a flight attendant. Despite traveling far from home, she stayed connected to her roots through an estate gift. This scholarship, affiliated with the Alumni Association, is awarded to a graduate of Tippecanoe High School.
Jeanette C. Gaston Memorial Music Scholarship Fund –1992 Tippecanoe High School seniors who have participated in the Tipp City Band and have demonstrated leadership skills and academic aptitude are eligible for this award. Jeanette died in a car accident in 1991 while a freshman at Ball State University, where she played the trombone in the band and was majoring in engineering and physics.
Gilmore Family Scholarship Fund – 2015 Tipp City High School students who balance high achieving grades with community involvement are eligible to receive this scholarship. Founded by Tipp City residents, Russ and Kathy Gilmore.
Sarah Gross Scholarship for Sportsmanship Fund – 2018 Women athletes who help build the confidence of fellow teammates and promote fairness are eligible to apply for this award. As a Red Devil, Sarah played soccer, basketball and softball. Later she became an avid international rock climber. The camaraderie of the team and her pursuit to bring out the best in others was evident in the many professional awards she earned.
Life’s A Journey – Don’t Stop Believing Scholarship Fund – 2013 Graduating high school seniors who selflessly rise to the challenge to care for a family member during a time of medical crisis are candidates for this award. These award winners are called “Rock Stars” as a way of acknowledging the “solid-as-a-rock” character they exhibited as they put their carefree life of youth aside to become a caregiver.
Katherine G. Lobo Memorial Scholarship Fund – 2012 A talented Communications Coordinator of the Tippecanoe School System, Kitty’s presence in the schools helped to forge and promote the district’s reputation for excellence. Her ready smile and gentle approach were familiar and comforting to students, teachers, and parents alike — and her gift with the written word was both impressive and inspiring. This is a needs-based award.
McKee Family Matthew 5:16 Scholarship Fund –2012 Reflecting the ideals important to Jim and Cheryl McKee and their family, this award is given annually to a student who demonstrates leadership and Christian values as evidenced by service to others.
John S. & Louise T. Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund – 1999 This fund honors this Bethel Township farming family by providing scholarships to graduates of Bethel High School. This is a needs-based award. Four generations of the Miller family have attended Bethel Township schools. John Cable Miller, class of 1932; John Adam Miller, class of 1956; John Stewart Miller, class of 1979; and John Caleb Miller, class of 2011.
Robert E. Nessle Memorial Scholarship Fund – 1994 This fund establishes an award for Bethel High School graduates attending Miami University or The Ohio State University and celebrates the diverse life that Rob Nessle led before his death. Rob was valedictorian at Bethel High School, a summa cum laude graduate of Miami University and a doctoral candidate in New York University’s economics program.
Elizabeth Spano Scholarship Fund – 2001 This fund ensures that the memory of this 10-year-old girl endures. Beginning in 2009, the fund awarded scholarships to graduating Tippecanoe High School young women, who have been active in cheerleading, basketball, or softball, all activities that Elizabeth enjoyed in her short lifetime.
The Road Less Traveled Fund – 2022 Scholarships for students, of any age, pursuing vocational education are available Miami Valley-wide through this fund. Established by Claudia Houdeshell Koerner, this endowment honors her husband Philip, whose most deeply held conviction was that success can only be achieved by helping others to be successful.

Tippecanoe Alumni Association Scholarship Fund – 2013—Past grads lend a hand to today’s grads planning to continue their education. Awards will be based on need, citizenship, and grades. Let’s Go Red Devils!

Tipp City Rotary Club Scholarship Fund – 2015 This fund assists the Club in awarding annual and renewing scholarships to deserving graduates of Bethel and Tippecanoe High School.
Wenzlau Family Scholarship Fund – 2016 Created to support Tippecanoe High School graduates, this fund was established by Thomas E. Wenzlau. As the president of Ohio Wesleyan University (1969 – 1984), Wenzlau saw the value of education up close. This fund serves as a tribute to Wenzlau Family graduates of Tippecanoe including: Charles Norman Wenzlau, class of 1912; Alice Kessler Wenzlau, class of 1918; Thomas E. Wenzlau, class of 1945; and Charles Norman Wenzlau, II, class of 1949.
Willhelm Family Scholarship Fund – 2021 his fund affirms the beliefs of Bill and Cynthia that supporting the average student’s pursuit for higher learning is an investment in the future. Awards go to students pursuing higher education in science, math or technology specialties. In 1972, the Willhelms moved to Tipp City, before Andy (1975) and Courtney (1976) were born. Until 2000, the Willhelms owned Tip-Top Drugs at the corner of Hyatt and Main Streets.