Tipp library collaborates with Brunner Literacy Center to bring tutoring to adults
-Program made possible through a grant from Tipp City Foundation
An added service to the Tipp City area community is making its introduction thanks to the Brunner Literacy Center, the Tipp City Public Library and the Tipp City Foundation.
The Brunner Literacy Center, based in Trotwood, is collaborating with the library to bring literacy tutoring for adults to area residents at the local library.
The project was made possible through a grant from the foundation.
Tutors now are being recruited locally to work with students learning English, said Ashley Lackovich, executive director, Brunner Learning Center.
“We provide free, individualized, one-on-one tutoring to any adult in need of our services. Our tutors are volunteers, and we provide training and support for them so that they can best meet the needs of their students. Tutors and students meet as often as they like, with most meeting one to two times a week,” Lackovich said.
Tutors should be adults 19 or older who are ready to support another adult on an educational journey. The Brunner Learning Center will provide free tutor orientation and guidance.
The Tipp City collaboration was suggested after Brunner Learning Center representatives noticed last winter that two students and their tutors were meeting at the Tipp City library.
“Given that this is relatively far from our site in Trotwood, we wanted to think about ways to better meet the needs of adults in Tipp City. We reached out to several Tipp City community members who are friends of the Brunner Literacy Center, and through them learned about the rich immigrant community,” Lackovich said.
After talking with the library, the literacy center decided to apply for a grant through the Tipp City Foundation to expand services. “Thanks to the generosity of the Tipp City Foundation and the collaboration of the Tipp City Library, we’re getting ready to support adults in the Tipp City community with literacy tutoring,” she said.
The library is a natural place for adults from the Upper Miami Valley with literacy needs and their tutors to meet, said Lisa Santucci, library director.
They will use library meeting space as well as the outdoor seating in the alley for their session. A Plexiglas screen was purchased by the library for safety use between a tutor and a client.
“This is a new relationship and one which I hope grows,” Santucci said. “I hope to be able to learn about adults in the area that need assistance and know that I can call upon Brunner.”
Anyone with questions or interested in the program is asked to contact Santucci at 937-667-3826 (ext. 201), email – director@tippcitylibrary.org or Lackovich at 937-567-9600, email – alackovich@brunnerliteracy.org.
Grants Awarded by Tipp City Teen Leadership participants:
Brukner Nature Center for nature story time supplies for Tipp City preschoolers
CASA/GAL of Miami County for Caring Tree children’s Christmas gifts
Child Care Choices for Zoom host platform costs
Downtown Tipp City Partnership for signage
Give Medical Ministry for bathroom safety equipment
Miami County Dental Clinic for Traveling Smiles portable dental program for children
Tipp City Public Library for public art mural in alley
Tipp Monroe Community Services for Community Relief Program
Tipp Monroe Community Services for Lunch on Us free summer food program
Troy Miami County Library for Imagination library books for children in Tipp City and Bethel
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All marketing activities of the Foundation is 100% underwritten by generous sponsors. Please contact us at info@tippfoundation.org for information on how your business or organization can become our partner in philanthropy.
- Silver Sponsor – Thrivent Financial (Matt Buehrer)
- Bronze Sponsors – Advanced Machinery Companies; Dunaway Family Foundation; Dungan & LeFevre; Ever-Green Turf & Landscape; Gibson Law Offices; Monroe Federal Savings and Loan; New Carlisle Federal Savings Bank; Pickrel, Schaeffer and Ebeling; Unity National Bank
- Friend Sponsors – Captor Corp.; Edward Jones (Neil Nehring); Frings & Bayliff Funeral Home; Minster Bank; RSM US; Turnstone Financial; US Bank
- Media Sponsor – Tippecanoe Gazette
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