We have a new look! Thanks to Rob Bertke at Bertke Creative for updating our website and to The Troy Foundation for making online donations to the Tipp City Foundation effortless. Check it out here!

For the second straight quarter, grant requests presented to the Tipp City Foundation weighted towards supporting pressing emotional and behavioral health issues.  Two of the grant awards – Hope House and Hope Squad – are new initiatives to the Foundation. As is often the case, the needs within the community outweigh the available dollars to award.

Some of the grant awards listed represent urgent social issues to our region. Opioid addiction services and teen suicide prevention could not be more critical to a healthy community. The Foundation is proud to support those on the front lines addressing these crises.

Ultimately, six organizations were chosen to receive eight awards totaling $17.890.00. The following is a list of recipients, award levels and the impact grants will make.

Bethel Local Schools, $3,850.00, helps send 70 students to Nashville in Spring 2020 to participate in the Nashville Heritage Festival. The visit includes the opportunity to participate in a masterclass with musical clinicians.

Miami County Recovery Council, $3,000.00, defrays operating expenses for Hope House, a residential opiate withdrawal management facility. Located in Troy, it is the only facility of its kind in the Miami Valley.

Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Miami Valley Region, $1,000.00, aids families as they grapple with their child’s illness during their stay at Dayton Children’s Hospital. Last year, 43 families from the Bethel/Tipp City community benefitted from their support. Services include a bite to eat, a place to do laundry and a private spot for a quick shower…all while staying close to their hospitalized child.

Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, $3,000.00, supports Hope Squad in the high school, promoting mental wellness, hope and a positive environment towards suicide prevention. This peer-based program is the first of its kind in Miami County.

Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, $540.00, buys the middle school’s Academic Quiz Team new buzzer systems for practice and competition. 

Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, $500.00, invites Madcap Puppets to a one-week Artist in Residency program at Nevin Coppock Elementary School. Blending world literature, fine and performing arts and storytelling, kindergarten and 1st graders will have hands-on experiences with an art form dating back to 5th Century BC.

Tippecanoe STEM Education, Inc., $1,000.00, upgrades the high school science department equipment to more closely reflect what students will encounter in college and on the job. Specifically, Vernier LabQuest2 Bluetooth-enabled sensors will now round out the testing lab. 

We Care Arts, $5,000.00, opens the doors for young people with profound physical and developmental disabilities as they participate in Transition to Work and after-school classes. This learning is available year-round in Downtown Tipp City and in Tippecanoe High School during the school year.

The deadline for 4Q grant submissions is December 1. If you would like information about how to apply for a grant, please contact Jim Ranft at (937) 528-2482.

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All marketing activities of the Foundation is 100% underwritten by generous sponsors. Please contact us at info@tippfoundation.org for information on how your business or organization can become our partner in philanthropy. 

  • Silver Sponsor – Thrivent Financial (Matt Buehrer)
  • Bronze Sponsors – Advanced Machinery Companies; Dunaway Family Foundation; Dungan & LeFevre; Ever-Green Turf & Landscape; Gibson Law Offices; Greenville Federal; Monroe Federal Savings and Loan; New Carlisle Federal Savings Bank; Pickrel, Schaeffer and Ebeling; Unity National Bank
  • Friend Sponsors – Captor Corp.; Edward Jones (Neil Nehring); Frings & Bayliff Funeral Home; Minster Bank; RSM US; Turnstone Financial; US Bank

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