– Hidden Picture Puzzles by Liz Ball Fund makes first award

Several grants awarded by the Tipp City Foundation in September touched the areas of dexterity and eye-hand coordination. “Requests that involve creative expression are not uncommon, but the specific focus on fine motor skills has been less typical in the foundation’s 80-year history,” said Jim Ranft, president.

One of those dexterity-focused grants supports the Rehabilitation Center for Neurological Development. Located in Piqua, their service area includes Miami and surrounding counties. Their therapeutic approach to brain trauma or mental disability is to retrain neuron pathways. Individually designed, neurology-based exercises, result in improved function for clients.

Ultimately, nine organizations received 10 awards totaling $24,016.40.

The following is a list of recipients, award levels and the impact these grants will make. Any additional support that donor advisors gave through their grantmaking is included.


Downtown Tipp City Partnership, $5,588, shouts out upcoming 2024 city-wide community activities through the printing and mailing of event cards to all homes in 45371.  These cards are regularly posted on refrigerators as a reminder of fun things coming up.

Rehabilitation Center for Neurological Development, $614.93, expands the tools available for Body & Brain Integration therapy sessions. Treatment can improve fine and gross motor skills, balance and coordination, speech, and mobility. This is the first award from the Hidden Picture Puzzles by Liz Ball Fund. Additional support came from the Robinson-Walters Family Fund.

Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, $3,624.75, replaces the aging cyclorama in the high school center for performing arts. Also known as a “cyc,” this is the large piece of light-reflecting fabric that hangs at the back of the stage.

Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, $1,000, brings a Warhammer gaming club to the high school by purchasing starter sets. Students build models, paint figurines, develop strategies and build social skills in the club.

Tipp City Public Library, $1,154.18, doubles the number of machines for the monthly teen sewing class. Sewing promotes dexterity, confidence, patience and creativity.


New Creations Counseling Center, Inc., $6,000, assists with counseling and psychological services for those with financial need.

Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County, $1,746.06, aids Hospice House’s patients’ visitors through the purchase of an AED.


Tipp City Parks Department, $788.48, purchases signage for Chamberlain’s Pond. Awarded from the Warren E. Miltenberger Parkland Fund.


Family Abuse Shelter of Miami County, Inc., $2,500, purchases food, paper goods and cleaning supplies needed for sheltering victims of domestic violence and homelessness. Additional support from Robinson-Walters Family Fund advisors rounds out this request for a total of $3,000.

Isaiah’s Place, Inc., $1,000, smooths the transition for children entering foster care through the purchase of Care Bags. Bags include weighted blankets, weighted stuffed animals and sound machines; each can soothe and sustain sleep while calming stress.

Quarterly grant deadlines are February 15, May 15, August 15, and November 15 each year. Jim Ranft is available for your grant-related questions at 937-528-2482. Applications are available online at www.tippfoundation.org.

Members of the Foundation are Heather Bailey, Richard Bender, vice president, Bryan Blake, Mary Bowman, Diana Featherstone, treasurer, Dee Gillis, Joellen Heatherly, Bruce McKenzie, Glen McMurry, Patrick Reese, Jim Ranft, president and distribution chair, Julie Taylor, Jackie Wahl, and Bill Wendel, secretary.

The Tipp City Foundation is a component fund of The Troy Foundation. If you would like information about how to make a tax-deductible contribution or how to establish an endowment fund, please contact Heather Bailey at (937) 528-2482.

For more information visit www.tippfoundation.org or Tipp Foundation on Facebook and Instagram.

The Tipp City Foundation is a member fund of The Troy Foundation. You can make a difference with your dollars in our community by:

  • Donating online here.
  • Making your check payable to the Tipp City Foundation and mail to P.O. Box 626, Tipp City, OH 45371.
  • Setting up a fund or legacy plan by contacting Heather Bailey at (937) 528-2482.

We’d love to stay in touch. Stay connected with the Tipp City Foundation by:

All marketing activities of the Foundation is 100% underwritten by generous sponsors. Please contact us at info@tippfoundation.org for information on how your business or organization can become our partner in philanthropy. 

  • Silver Sponsor – Thrivent Financial (Matt Buehrer)
  • Bronze Sponsors – Dunaway Family Foundation; Dungan & LeFevre; Ever-Green Turf & Landscape; Gibson Law Offices; Monroe Federal Savings and Loan; New Carlisle Federal Savings Bank; Pickrel, Schaeffer and Ebeling; Unity National Bank
  • Friend Sponsors – Captor Corp.; Edward Jones (Neil Nehring); Frings & Bayliff Funeral Home; Minster Bank; RSM US; Turnstone Financial; US Bank
  • Media Sponsor – Tippecanoe Gazette

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