For the first time in seventy-seven years, the Tipp City Foundation’s grantmaking process has fundamentally changed. Beginning with the first quarter 2020 awards, impactful and responsive grants continue—with a twist.

Eight of the 47 foundation funds are “Donor Advised”. These funds are established by an original donor who then becomes the “advisor” who awards grants, sometimes with the help from a small circle of others, from the fund.

Until now, advisors sought out and researched where to make grant awards on their own. Beginning this quarter, these advisors are invited to review the quarterly Tipp City Foundation grant applications, also reviewed by the Foundation’s own distribution committee. This access gives donor advisors an understanding of where the community’s most pressing needs exist. It also offers an opportunity to be a timely part of the solution. “This change adds more seats at the grantmaking table and gives more people the satisfaction of knowing that they stepped forward to help solve a need,” said Dee Gillis, president.

What hasn’t changed is that application deadlines remain the same. Jim Ranft remains the point person for grant questions, and applications are available online at Also, if you are interested in establishing an endowment fund of your own, contact the Foundation at 937-528-2482.

Ultimately, 11 organizations were chosen to receive 18 awards serving a broad spectrum of needs and totaling $35,696.75. The following is a list of recipients, award levels and the impact grants will make. The impact that advisors made through grantmaking this quarter are included in the descriptions of awards below.


Bethel Local Schools, Award Swap, adds a multicultural World Music elective to the middle school with the purchase of drumming curriculum. A 2019 grant sending students to the spring Nashville Heritage Festival was cancelled due to COVID-19. From the 2019 grant, $2,875.00 is reallocated to support this request.

Project T.I.P.P. (Teens Impacting and Promoting Philanthropy), $5,000.00, gives teens grantmaking responsibility over these dollars as they play the role of a grant distribution committee. This exercise is in conjunction with the Tipp City Chamber of Commerce’s Teen Leadership Academy.

Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, $1,600.00, hosts children’s book author and illustrator Will Hillenbrand for K-1 classes, to discuss the creative stages of making a book. Hillenbrand, who is dyslexic, recalls that learning to read was extremely difficult, but he has learned to express himself through his art. He is the author of over 70 books.

Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, $1,500.00, promotes Stagecrafters Summer Theatre Drama Camp, giving children a two-week experience working both on stage and behind the scenes of a play. Additional support from Lucky 13 Fund advisors rounds out this request for a total of $2,000.00.

Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, $1,200.00, partners 1st graders with the Muse Machine’s Artist in Residence program to write and produce a musical over several weeks. Components for hands-on learning also involve designing and making costumes, creating invitations, programs and posters, and performing the play for parents and the community.

Tipp City Parks Department, $1,839.32, maintains gutter and downspouts at Veteran’s Memorial Park. This is a Veteran’s Tribute Fund grant.


Brukner Nature Center, $1,709.00, customizes new promotional tools for community outreach events. A new booth, experiential display and video make up the three components to educate an audience on volunteer opportunities, programming for children and wildlife rehabilitation.


Bethel Local Schools, $2,610.00, inspires 7th and 8th grade STEM learning with the purchase of high-tech tools like 3D printers. This is a Radle Family Fund for Science Education grant. Reallocated support planned for the Nashville Heritage Festival cancelled due to COVID-19 now supports this STEM request for a total of $3,585.00.

Bethel Local Schools, $2,421.78, supports “Fundations”, a phonics teaching tool for 270 K-2 learners, with the purchase of classroom materials. This is a Bethel Community Fund grant.

Bethel Local Schools, $1,979.22, buys tools such as needle and thread, first aid kits, hand tools and even a toilet plunger for the new Life Skills curriculum. This course in “adulting” skills teaches fundamentals of life. This is a Bethel Community Fund grant. Additional support from Robinson-Walters Family Fund advisors rounds out this request for a total of $2,979.22.

Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, $283.77, purchases owl pellets for 2nd graders to dissect. Pellets are the regurgitated indigestible parts from prey (such as teeth and feathers) too dangerous to pass through the digestive tract. This is a Youth of Tipp City Fund imo Sara Drexler grant.


Tipp Pride Association, $4,973.66, represents a payment towards the Foundation’s commitment of $75,000.00 to build a new stadium in City Park.


Brunner Literacy Center, $3,000.00, encourages neighbors striving for a better life through education.  Student goals of GED preparation, literacy skills or English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) are achieved while working one-on-one with tutors. This program is coming to our community through a partnership with the Tipp City Library. This is a H. E. “Tiny” & Emma Drewing Fund grant.

Tipp City Enrichment Program, Inc., $700.00, upgrades computer technology for this latchkey program. Over 150 families are supported by TCEP. This is a Jim & June Kyle Family Fund grant.

Tipp City Seniors, Inc., $380.00, builds a website to promote ever-changing activity schedules. Membership has grown to 375 since moving to the new location. This is an August Henke Comfort for the Needy Fund grant. Additional support from Dave Drake Family Fund advisors rounds out this request for a total of $430.00.


Miami County Dental Clinic, $4,500.00, nods to the importance of oral health by supporting lab and supply fees of the Dental Direct Program. Last year 8,172 patients from Miami County used these services; 1,343 of those were senior citizens. This is a Senior Wellness Fund grant. Additional support from Lucky 13 Fund advisors rounds out this request for a total of $5,000.00.

Miami County Fire and Emergency Services Chief’s Association, Inc., $2,000.00, fuels the fire extinguisher training program. This is a Safety First Fund grant.

Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, award, broadcasts “LIKE”, an IndieFlix Original documentary exploring the impact of technology and social media on the brain. Showings for the middle school, staff and parents will include a moderated post-film dialogue. The Robinson-Walters Family Fund advisors awarded the entire grant request of $500.00.

The deadline for 2Q grant submissions is June 1.

Since 1943, the Tipp City Foundation has awarded $2,311,765.44, through December 31, 2019. Members of the Foundation are Heather Bailey, Mary Bowman, Diana Featherstone, Dee Gillis, president, Dave Grim, treasurer, Melissa Keller, Bruce McKenzie, Jim Ranft, vice president and distribution chair, Nathan Rentz, Pete Schinaman, Claire Timmer, Jackie Wahl, secretary, and Sarah Worley.

The Tipp City Foundation is a member fund of The Troy Foundation. If you would like information about how to make a tax-deductible contribution, please contact Heather Bailey at (937) 528-2482.

For more information visit or Tipp Foundation on Facebook and Instagram.

The Tipp City Foundation is a member fund of The Troy Foundation. You can make a difference with your dollars in our community by:

  • Donating online here.
  • Making your check payable to the Tipp City Foundation and mail to P.O. Box 626, Tipp City, OH 45371.
  • Setting up a fund or legacy plan by contacting Heather Bailey at (937) 528-2482.

We’d love to stay in touch. Stay connected with the Tipp City Foundation by:

All marketing activities of the Foundation is 100% underwritten by generous sponsors. Please contact us at for information on how your business or organization can become our partner in philanthropy. 

  • Silver Sponsor – Thrivent Financial (Matt Buehrer)
  • Bronze Sponsors – Advanced Machinery Companies; Dunaway Family Foundation; Dungan & LeFevre; Ever-Green Turf & Landscape; Gibson Law Offices; Monroe Federal Savings and Loan; New Carlisle Federal Savings Bank; Pickrel, Schaeffer and Ebeling; Unity National Bank
  • Friend Sponsors – Captor Corp.; Edward Jones (Neil Nehring); Frings & Bayliff Funeral Home; Minster Bank; RSM US; Turnstone Financial; US Bank
  • Media Sponsor – Tippecanoe Gazette

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