By Heather Bailey

The Tipp City Foundation recently awarded over $33,000 in scholarships. Many awards went to graduating high school seniors while $8,000 went to renewable awards from prior years. Of the 61 endowment funds within the Foundation, 18 represent scholarships.

Often these funds commemorate inspirational values of the scholarship founder; when this is the case, applicants are measured against those standards. Winners are determined through a vetting process led by an independent body of judges. To read more about the stories behind each of the scholarship funds or to apply for future scholarships, visit

Graduates from Tippecanoe, Bethel, and

Miami East are represented. 

Ernest Clay Back Scholarship for History – (not awarded for 2023)

Lester & Cleon Bowers Family Scholarship – Dottie Everett

Marlene E. Chapman Memorial Scholarship – Ameila Campbell

Jeanette C. Gaston Memorial Music Scholarship – Theodore Thompson

Gilmore Family Scholarship – Kaitlyn Dankworth

Sarah Gross Scholarship for Sportsmanship – Eliza Zweizig

Life is a Journey – Don’t Stop Believing Scholarship – Cami Gingrich

Katherine G. Lobo Memorial Scholarship – Sean Nicholas

McKee Family Matthew 5:16 Scholarship – Makenna Gentry

Sarah Merritt Memorial Scholarship – (not awarded for 2023)

John and Louise Miller Memorial Scholarship – Lydia Brannan

Robert E. Nessle Memorial Scholarship – Max Colby

Elizabeth Spano Scholarship – Jillian Magato

Tipp City Rotary Club Scholarship – Lydia Brannan, Emma Davis, Connor Snider,

Tipp City Rotary Club Renewal Scholarship – Kylie Balkcom, Emily Graham, Alexander Holbrook, Alayna Liskey, Kailey Longo, Luke Norman, Noah McElhose, Alicia Miller

Tippecanoe Alumni Scholarship – Ayeva Tilley, Shelby Hept

Wenzlau Family Scholarship – Connor Snider, Kayla Williams

Willhelm Family Scholarship – Benjamin Anticoli

The Tipp City Foundation is a member fund of The Troy Foundation. If you would like information about how to establish an endowment fund or to make a tax-deductible contribution, please contact Heather Bailey at (937) 528-2482.

For more information visit or Tipp Foundation on Facebook.

The Tipp City Foundation is a member fund of The Troy Foundation. You can make a difference with your dollars in our community by:

  • Donating online here.
  • Making your check payable to the Tipp City Foundation and mail to P.O. Box 626, Tipp City, OH 45371.
  • Setting up a fund or legacy plan by contacting Heather Bailey at (937) 528-2482.

We’d love to stay in touch. Stay connected with the Tipp City Foundation by:

All marketing activities of the Foundation is 100% underwritten by generous sponsors. Please contact us at for information on how your business or organization can become our partner in philanthropy. 

  • Silver Sponsor – Thrivent Financial (Matt Buehrer)
  • Bronze Sponsors – Dunaway Family Foundation; Dungan & LeFevre; Ever-Green Turf & Landscape; Gibson Law Offices; Monroe Federal Savings and Loan; New Carlisle Federal Savings Bank; Pickrel, Schaeffer and Ebeling; Unity National Bank
  • Friend Sponsors – Captor Corp.; Edward Jones (Neil Nehring); Frings & Bayliff Funeral Home; Minster Bank; RSM US; Turnstone Financial; US Bank
  • Media Sponsor – Tippecanoe Gazette

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